Egg To Go
Project by Anastasia Eggers and Ottonie von RoederEgg to Go is an egg take-away that is run by chicken, an insight into a fictional city, where animals and humans cohabit unitedly. Chicken, liberated from the farm, are roaming in the city space, taking over the space they need. They are now at eye-level with humans as they are able to produce food for them independently, using smart technologies and their own bodies and natural resources as an energy source. The chickens power their vending machine with natural resources and their own manure that is digested into biogas.
Every morning during Vienna Design Week 2019 the chicken invited the urbanites to the breakfast egg-take away where they were able to pick-up a fresh boiled breakfast egg. For the further development of their business the chickens plan to offer different kind of breakfast egg dishes, like scrambled eggs and fried eggs, and seasonal and local specials, such as colored easter eggs and Kaiserschmarrn.
The speculative design project explores ways of reestablishing the connection between humans and farm animals in the city scape while critically interrogating the current state of the animal product industries and their effect on the environment.